I'm Poppy.
A lover of music, words, and the oxford comma.
I’m a big fan of writing. Which you’d hope, considering the entire point of this website.
Figuring out the perfect way to phrase something, cracking a creative brief with some clever wordplay, reading back over a sentence that I know packs a punch: once you realise the power your words have, you never take them for granted again.
I’m here to harness that power for good, like a word wonder-woman. Whether it’s for international household brands or budding start-ups, I create copy that gets people involved. I understand what the reader wants, what makes them react, what makes them feel - and every word I write is underpinned by that.
Want personality-packed creative copy?
You’re on the right website.
(Poppywriting.com was unavailable. But as with any challenge in my work, I adapted seamlessly).